Saturday, July 18, 2020

Soap Carving.

Over the holidays Mum and I decided to try out soap carving.
I thought that starting out with an L for Lucas would be a good design to begin with.
Here's what i have done so far.

Here are the tools I used to make the L in the soap.

After a lot of hard work i have finally finished.
Here is the final product.


  1. cool lucas was that the blog you posted while i was at your house???

  2. That's cool lucas that's a lot of tools. :)

  3. COOL Lucas Cage is right there's alot of tool's Ive done soap carving before to and I started with a K for KALANI then I did a little heart!!!

  4. That's cool lucas where are you going to put it once you finish

  5. Nice. If I tried that I know I would've failed. Its looks so coooooooool


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